1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Research methodology
4. Analysis results: levels of environmental problems
5. Analysis results: integration influence on environment
7. Conclusions
8. References
The scientific interest to transboundary environmental problems in the region depends on the country. The Google search of “Transboundary environmental problems in Northeast Asia” in English gives 36700 results [8]. The results in Russian are in 3,5 times more [9]. But situation turns into opposite when the conceptual component is taken into account. The Google search of “Transboundary environmental problems in Northeast Asia: conceptual approaches” in English gives 62400 results [10]. The results in Russian are in 2,4 times less – 26700 results [11]. The scientific interest to transboundary environmental problems has universal and unique country’s features. The interest is the same in all countries. It is reactive, but not proactive. It is concrete, but not conceptual. It is current, but not discounting the future. The deficit of fundamental researches is common feature.
The most notable book in Russian language for last 5 years was issued in 2010 year by Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF’s Trade and Investment Programme) [3]. The translation of title means “Ecological Risks of Russian-Chinese Transboundary Cooperation: from “Brown Plans” to ‘Green Strategy””.
The content of the book may be aggregated to next conclusions. The threat of transboundary carryover of air and water pollutions from neighboring countries, in first line China, countries of Korean peninsular, Japan is main environmental problem for Russian Far East.The financial flows between Russia and China accumulate in industries with high ecological risks. The transactions take place at the highest level and ecological community has no instruments to influence on investment projects.
Another fundamental academic research was issued under the aegis of Russian Academy of Science and Russian Geographical Society in 2012 year. It’s theme is “The Pacific Russia: the pages of past, present, and future” [12]. This collective writing is the describing “environmental history” of the region, ecological-geographical problems and restrictions, the basic problems of formation of sustainable nature management in the Pacific Russia.
The conclusions of other Russian publications are on the same line. Among most frequently cited is article named (in translation) “Ecological security in the aspect of Russian-Chinese relations” with alarmist warning of growing ecological risks for Russian Far Eastern regions [13].
Among the first articles in English devoted to environmental problem of Russian Far East is the article by Wishnic , the researcher from Taipei [14]. The author focuses on forestry sector and generalizes up to conclusions that the lack of coordinated regional development strategy for the Russian Far East has exacerbated conflicts between environmentalist and developers. The tradition of immediate environmental investigation in the region was continued in researching papers of Kachur [15], Nevell [16], Meyer [17].
The unique place in scientific literature belongs to the book of Chinese economist Justin Yifu Lin “Demystifying the Chinese Economy” [18]. It’s not directly devoted to environmental problem, but gives conceptual understanding of approaches to cope with them. The author in despite of severe environmental problems in China proves: “Meanwhile the government can avoid the resource-intensive development that harms the natural environment” [ibid, p. 262]. The way out is to achieve unity between equity and efficiency through functional distribution on the base of comparative advantage-following development strategy.
The undertaken research is based on traditional understanding of Northeast Asian space as defined by the political boundaries of six particular nation-states: China, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea and Russia. Many issues involving Russia and China concern primarily the Russian Far East and the Northeast Chinese provinces. Some experts include Taiwan and don’t include Russian Far East [19]. The border of the "region" would include these parts of China and Russia on an environmental basis, though for environment issue the notion “region” does not correspond to precise locating.